Give to Preserve: An ExtraGive Tutorial

Lancaster County’s 2023 ExtraGive campaign is right around the corner, and we’re so excited to be participating another year. If you’re looking to give during ExtraGive this Friday but need help figuring out where to start, you’re in the right place!
When: Friday, November 17th, 12 am to 11:59 pm: 24 hours of giving!!!
Where: Visit
What is ExtraGive?
ExtraGive is a 24-hour campaign that strives to bring awareness and support to local non-profits. This day spotlights organizations throughout the county and provides Lancastrians opportunities to donate and learn about new organizations. Thanks to ExtraGive’s sponsors, donations given through ExtraGive’s donation page are stretched with Stretch Pool dollars, so your gift goes further!
Is there a best time to give?
Are you an Early Bird or Night Owl? One of the best ways to make your gift go farther on ExtraGive is to give your gift as early as possible. Whether you stay up and give at midnight or give first thing in the morning, your gift goes farther the earlier you give, which allows Lancaster Farmland Trust to be visible to new donors who will have the chance to learn about us. When you give during ExtraGive, your gift helps share LFT’s mission with the community!
P.S. This year, LFT has a generous total of $35,000 in match support throughout the day to make your impact on farmland preservation even bigger!!!
Are there other ways to support LFT?
You Can Share About Farmland Preservation!
All week, we will be sharing stories, statistics, and videos that take a closer look at the importance of farmland preservation in Lancaster County. You can support LFT by sharing these with your friends and family to help spread awareness about the importance of protecting agriculture in our community! You can also share our ExtraGive link on your social media platforms to encourage others to give to our cause!
Become a Fundraising Champion!
If you can’t donate but still wish to show your support to Lancaster Farmland Trust, you can become a Fundraising Champion!
Fundraising Champions utilize their personal social media platforms to raise awareness about your chosen non-profit during ExtraGive. Here’s how:
First, sign up for a GiveGab account. To create an account:
- Click here and plug in your information.
- Once your account has been created and confirmed, click here to view LFT’s ExtraGive page.
- Click the “Fundraise” button and put in any necessary information. Your own personal LFT giving page will be created for you, which you can then personalize through your GiveGab account.
- Please share this page on all your social media platforms during ExtraGive to encourage your friends and family to show their support!
Join us in person!
We will be downtown at Lancaster Gift Box on Friday from 4-6pm. We’d love to see you and celebrate the excitement of ExtraGive with you. Lancaster Gift Box donates 1% of Sales every day to LFT, but on ExtraGive, they have contributed a $5,000 match for donations! So come say hi, do some holiday shopping, and support LFT this ExtraGive!
ExtraGive is a special day of generosity and community, and we are so excited to be involved. Whether you donate to LFT or share your GiveGab page on Facebook, we appreciate all our supporters!
Get ready to give extra on November 17th!